I attended ADR Plexus Test Series and found it good enough. The subjectwise test series was how I arranged my study schedule. The AIIMS, PGI, AIPG Mock test helped me in time management, and to get the feel of exam as it was on OMR for PGI and CBT for the rest.


AIPGMEE Nov'14 Rank - 134

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

It was simple but I took the traditional long route. First thing in the morning previous year question paper for 3 hours. Then would prepare the subject that would be tested that week and try to score the maximum. Afternoon would do group study of that very subject. Then again self-study.


How many hours did u study ?

Frankly speaking I can study a lot when I want to and very little when I don’t. All days were not the same, sometimes only 7 hours but sometimes 16hours. On an average 10 to 12 hours per day is good enough, but of course only hours of total concentration count.


Your tips for success ?

Surely this would never be possible without the grace of God Almighty, the immense support of my family and friends. Well I have tasted failure before the sweet success and I firmly believe clear goal, dreaming of it all the time and investing everything on that one goal is the key. Dreams can only be delayed but never denied….


During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Yes, at times I would be unsure of my strategy, to spice it up is the phobia of multiple day exam, psychometric analysis…projected score…these things at times did shake my confidence.


How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

This I think is totally based on each individual, their goal, concentration, study strategy….varies between each individual. No rigid timeline…………but not quitting is what that matters.


When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

2 years back I seriously started preparing for this exam. Last year Aiims rank roughly 700 and PGI roughly 400 did not get any clinical seat…wrote aipg and got MS Ophthalmology at Grant Medical Colg, Mumbai…but thank God and Abhijit, Narendra and Favas for their support, I did not take it. So this year only took ADR Plexus test and finally this DNBCET rank 186 and AIPG rank 134.


Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

The only solution to this is revision…and more revision at frequent intervals.


What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly ? Early morning 3 hours Question paper of previous years. Then study the subject as per subjectwise test schedule till 2pm…then group study on that topic till 6pm.. some breaktime….again self-study and prepare for next day topics. Except for health issues I did stick to it very firmly.


What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Tough times do not last but tough people do. Read motivating things, be positive despite everything that will try to break you…


Which books did you read for the theory part?

Anatomy Atlas is a must.. lippincott’s only for Genetics and Molecular biology.. Patho: Robbins, Ortho: Maheswari, Few selected topics Ganong, Dutta, Khurana


Which books did you read for the theory part?

I only read the adr plexus class notes. They were more than sufficient.

What was your strategy for the exam day?

My exam being on the very first day…my strategy was firstly not to have a single question unread…I had worked on time management. Secondly, to be calm on the face of an extremely tough or easy paper. Thirdly to get all the easy questions right. Next to rule out the options for the tough questions. To have faith in my preparation.


What was ur style of answering question?

Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with 250 or started from middle of the question paper. Yes, I started from the first question and continued serially as per the given order of the question paper.


Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Yes, I guess depression is inevitable. To overcome it was willpower and supporting family and friends gifted by God which I can never thank enough…….


Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for AIPGMEE 2014-15?

Aipg preparation this year was totally subjectwise study. Last year10 days prior to exam I revised the previously asked Q Banks…but later I realized the emphasis has shifted. This year therefore prior to exam also I did quick revision but subjectwise and that is tough but I definitely think that works, which is why one should have such revision material prepared during the preparation phase.


HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

I left two questions unanswered, they were pure data based questions.


What are the do's and don'ts in AIPGMEE exam

First is a clear vision of the target, only then strategise, having a strategy work on it on and on till the target is achieved. Subjectwise study plan and then split into small tangible targets. Revise and revise and revise. Do not switch study materials unless you find them totally useless.


YOUR recommended books for AIPGMEE PREPARATION

Anatomy: Across, Biochem n Physio: Arvind Arora, Patho: Sparsh Gupta,Pharm:Gobind Garg FMT: Across, Micro: Rachna Chaurasia, SPM: Vivek Jain, Medicine: Mudit Khanna, Surgery: Amit Ashish, Paeds: Arvind Arora, Obs/Gyne: Shakshi Arora, ENT:Shibu George Optha:Across, Ortho:Across, SARP:Arvind Arora


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