ADrPlexus is one of the must do test series for PGI Chandigarh examination.The question papers very well simulate the actual exam and practising the tests provides much needed rehearsel for the actual exam.The aiims and jipmer test series are also very good.

Dr. Soumalya Chakraborty

PGI NOV 2017 Rank 19, AIIMS RANK 76 NOV 2017

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

I was a slow learner during my MBBS days.Hence I had chalked out a detailed plan targeting the nov 2017 exams in february 2016.My internship started in march 2016,i joined a subject wise test series which helped me to keep my preparation on track.I kept approximately two weeks for every subject,tried to finish all the theory and mcq from guide books and gave the test .In this way i was able to finish my syllabus around november 2016.Internship in our college is a great learning experience.Hence i tried to learn the most from my duty and any free time i got,i devoted to mcqs.I divided my books so that i could carry them everywhere i went,be it the wards,the labor room,emergency or the OTs.My first all india level exam was NEET 2017.I got rank 925 in that.It helped me learn about my weaknesses and make revision strategy for nov 2017 exams.The next three months i concentrated mostly on the institute exams.I did aiims 3 years questions and pgi 2 years papers.This was the first part of my plan.


The second part started with the end of my internship in march 2017.I joined a TnD course and followed the routine that was provided in the course.I tried to finish one revision before may exams.I secured rank of 183,81 and 32 in aiims,pgi and jipmer respectively.After the may exams i continued my revision strategy.I completed my first revision by august.Then in september i did the 4 years past year questions for aiims and pgi.Alongside I did  revision of the theory part and the marked mcqs(i marked the mcqs which i got wrong during my first reading).During the last 2 weeks i tried to revise as much topics i could .I had made a list of important topics from every subject and revised them in last 2 weeks.


The 3rd part of my plan was to give as many grand tests as i could.Every Week i gave one grand test on pattern of the central institutes and noted the mistakes .The adrplexus test series was especially helpful.Every month i did two pgi tests and it helped me in developing  the tactics of avoiding negatives in pgi pattern exam.

If you are consistently within top 100 in these grand tests,you’ll surely be within op 50-100 in the actual exams.

How many hours did u study ?

 I could never count the hours ,but most of the waking hours i devoted to studies during my preparation after march 2017.It would sum to about 9-12 hours everyday,when i felt tired i gave grand tests

Your tips for success ?

The first and foremost thing is to analyse your weaknesses .One needs to work on their mistakes and make sure that their strengths remain their strengths.Next is to have self belief.Failures must make you strong. Remember that failures actually are a boon,they help you grow and achieve something which you might  never have imagined. Always remember impossible says,i am possible . All the very best .:-)

During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Yes, everyday ,rather every minute. And though i do believe that a bit of this doubt is required, but excess of doubt can be detrimental. Whenever this doubt became overwhelming, i took a mock test, the result helped to allay a bit of the fear.

How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

It depends on the individual. I have seen many of my seniors do it in 6-8 months. I required 1.5 years. Though i believe 9 months of focussed study should suffice.

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

I started in February 2016.

Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

Yes, i always forgot things.It is here where the concept of gut feeling comes into play.To develop this gut feeling one must study standard books in great details during professional years .During preparation one must make a list of these volatile topics which are frequently repeated.These are to be revised repeatedly.Next one must give grand tests frequently ,since we learn most from our mistakes and tend to remember them for long.Also one can save important tables in mobile ,so that one can revise them in transit or when one feels bored.

What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

I did make a timetable ,though i couldn’t keep up with it.I kept a big subject like surgery,medicine,pathology,pharma,micro etc in the morning-afternoon period and in the night before sleep i kept shorts like derma,pedi,psychi,radio etc.I slept in the afternoon for 1 hour,in the night i tried to finish within 2 am. One should make a routine .It does help to keep the preparation on track.


What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Believe in yourself.Nothing is impossible.Be meticulous,give tests,make notes and revise again and again.You’ll definitely win.


Which books did you read for the theory part?

I tried to study standard books .I studied the following books during mbbs-

Anatomy-bd chaurasia,vishram singh’s neuroanatomy,ib singh and langman’s embryology

Physiology-Ganong,ABSM Physiology


Pharmacology-kd tripathi


Microbiology-paniker,kd chaterjee for parasitology

Forensic Medicine-reddy


Ophthalmology-parson and khuranna


Medicine-harrison(the most important book,that forms the base for future exams)

Surgery-srb,bailey and love



Dermatology-neena khanna

Anesthesia,Radiology mainly coaching notes

Psychiatry-coaching notes

During my internship and subsequent preparation year i read only from guide books. I revised only the chapter on cerebrovascular accidents and infective endocarditis from harrison.

What was your strategy for the exam day?

For aiims exam i first went through all the questions and marked the ones i found difficult to be dealt after completing the paper.In aiims i attempted 194 questions.In pgi i avoided options which i had the slightest doubt about.I marked only the options which i was sure, about 520 options.


What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

no 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

I started from 1st question and went till the last question.

Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Yes,i did feel depressed at times.But somehow every debacle made me strong.I had developed such amount of pessimism,that i thought i won’t qualify in aiims exam.One should learn from failures,they make you more careful….but at the same time one should remember that one failure doesn’t mean you are going to fail in every exam,because very exam is a new exam with a different set of questions.

Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for NOV 2017?

For pgi nov 2017,i was very careful not to mark negatives. I left a lot of options about which i had the slightest of doubt.for aiims and jipmer i tried to mark the maximum number of questions.

HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

In PGI marked around 520-530 options.I avoided negatives as much as i could,didn’t take risks. In aiims i marked 194 questions.In aiims one must mark the question for which he/she can eliminate two options.In jipmer i marked 230 questions.

What are the do’s and don’ts in exam

Do’s-Be confident. Your hard work will definitely pay you back. Concentrate only on the question and the options. Even if the question seems very easy ,read each and every word given in the question very carefully. Have a good nights sleep a day before the exam.

Dont’s -DO NOT PANIC, the question you find tough will be tough for everyone else as well. Do not waste a lot of time over a difficult question, in that time you can attempt two or three easy questions. Don’t carry the result of one exam into the subsequent test, remember every exam is a new set of questions, you might fail in one exam, that doesn’t mean you’ll fail in every other exam.

YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

Anatomy-bd chaurasia,vishram singh’s neuroanatomy,ib singh and langman’s embryology

Physiology-Ganong,ABSM Physiology


Pharmacology-kd tripathi


Microbiology-paniker,kd chaterjee for parasitology

Forensic Medicine-reddy


Ophthalmology-parson and khuranna


Medicine-harrison(the most important book,that forms the base for future exams)

Surgery-srb,bailey and love



Dermatology-neena khanna

Anesthesia,Radiology mainly coaching notes

Psychiatry-coaching notes

During my internship and subsequent preparation year i read only from guide books. I revised only the chapter on cerebrovascular accidents and infective endocarditis from harrison.

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