ADR PLEXUS DIGITAL STRIDES, I believe is the best coaching out there, if you’re targeting PGI. The mock papers are really simulating the actual PGI exams, with just the perfect admixture of new and repeats.

The Post-test discussion of important topics through satellite videos also helps in revising the subject and topics.




Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

I had been targeting PGI since my internship days, so was quite focussed in my approach. I did Manoj Chaudhary and joined the PGI mock series of ADRPLEXUS, thereby recognising the important and frequented topics. Once I was aware of the oft repeated broad areas, I studied from standard books those particular topics.

How many hours did u study ?

I studied around 8-10 hours a day

Your tips for success ?

Stay Focussed. Things won’t get better with time. You will.

During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

I did. There was a moment when I had given up studying and accepted that I wont be able to make it, and that I should just take up whatever I’ll get. I didn’t study for about two weeks. However, My family and friends supported me and pulled me through the abyss.

How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

If you have studied well throughout your undergraduate days, then I believe 6 months is enough of time to crack PGI and get a clinical branch there, provided you study smartly and revise.

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

I started studying seriously from January. Got 84 rank in May 15, which was getting me surgical branches but not Medicine. Decided to take a drop and started studying from July for Nov 15.


Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

It’s a very natural feeling to face the idea that whatever you’ve read has disappeared and nothing was being registered in your conscious memory. Whenever I would face such moments, I would take out a mock paper, and start doing the questions. Getting those questions right would give me the confidence that I still retain the knowledge. 

Also, I would suggest my juniors to realise that a lot of the information we read are targeting towards answering the question and ruling out options to arrive at the correct answer. You may not remember the exact length of fallopian tube when asked randomly, but if given with options, you most probably will be able to answer.

So, don’t worry much about what you aren’t able to remember. Just read and revise enough, and things will fall into place on their own.


What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

I was very erratic with my schedule. I would get bored with a subject easily, so instead of staring at a book when I’m unable to take in anymore of ENT, I would start with some other subject.

Usually, I would target to finish one major subject and two small subjects in 7-10 days. Thus, I would be juggling three subjects in a day because I lacked the discipline to stay committed to my schedule.

What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Stay focussed. Set targets that are achievable. And form a peer group. It’s very difficult to study alone and not face burn out. Family and Friends will help you pull out of the ditch of monotony and helplessness, lest you fall into it.

Which books did you read for the theory part?

Stay focussed. Set targets that are achievable. And form a peer group. It’s very difficult to study alone and not face burn out. Family and Friends will help you pull out of the ditch of monotony and helplessness, lest you fall into it.

What was your strategy for the exam day?

In the mocks of PGI, I would usually mark 500+ options. However, I would get 80-100 wrongs and thus my rank would never be single digit in the mocks. On the final day of the exam, I was very cautious of marking wrongs and taking unnecessary risks. Because of which, I very stupidly didn’t mark some very obvious options in hindsight. I except my final count was around 460-480. 

Curtailing your negatives in PGI is very important.


What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

I started from question 1, and went in linear pattern. I didn’t spend more than 40 second on any question. If I was confused about it, I would leave it and move ahead.

I had 15 minutes remaining at the end of my first round, with around 10 questions that were unanswered. Thus, I was easily able to finish the paper.

Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Yes. I did get depress. I would talk to my friends, and I reached put to my parents.

Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for NOV 2015?

Be through with subjects like Biochemistry and Genetics, Microbiology, SARP, medicine and surgery as these are the most repeated topics in PGI. Revise weaker subjects like Eye and Anatomy every second week. Set achievable targets. Sleep at least 7 hours.

HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

In the mocks of PGI, I would usually mark 500+ options. However, I would get 80-100 wrongs and thus my rank would never be single digit in the mocks. On the final day of the exam, I was very cautious of marking wrongs and taking unnecessary risks. Because of which, I very stupidly didn’t mark some very obvious options in hindsight. I except my final count was around 460-480.

Curtailing your negatives in PGI is very important. 

YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

The subject wise books that I have listed above, along with Previous year question bank of AIIMS ( Amit Ashish),  AIPGMEE ( Audit Khanna) and PGI (Manoj Chaudhary).

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