AdrPlexus Digital Strides helped me to get tuned to the format of the exam and time management which is a very important aspect of PGI Chandigarh. It also helped me realize my weak points and important topics for the exams.


PGI Nov'15 Rank - 54 AIIMS Nov'15 Rank - 149

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

I had planned out subjects according to their weightage and wanted to revise them as many times as possible mostly from class notes and previous years of aiims and PGI.

How many hours did u study ?

I studied for 12 hours a day. But it varies from person to person. There’s no hard and fast rule. You should be satisfied with the amount you’re putting in at the end of the day.

Your tips for success ?

Keeping cool during the preparation and exam is very important. Smart work more than hard work gives results.


During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Yes, very often. I think it’s completely natural. The key is to get out of the low phase as quick as you can and keep going.


How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

It totally depends. I took serious 6 months. Before that I was doing just 5-7 hours a day for 3-4 months. Quality is more important than quantity.

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

After the MAY 15 Aiims and PGI.

Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

Yes I did. Like everyone else. Keep revising the volatile topics. Note them down and start reading them a week before the exam.

What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

I made do-able targets to begin with. I put in 12 hrs everyday. And yes I used to stick to them. If I couldn’t finish my target in a day, I used to pull in 1-2 hrs extra to finish before the next day. That helped me keep my anxiety levels low.

What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Initial 2-3 months when you make your basics are very important. Read notes, guides and prev years during that time only. So it makes you understand the importance and pattern of questions. After that just revise what’s important and don’t waste too much time on a single subject. At the end all are equally important.

Which books did you read for the theory part?

I read Harrison for medicine, Robin’s- for pathology, park for Spm.

What was your strategy for the exam day?

I tried to be as cool as I could. You have got to control your nerves. I did not study too much the day before. So that helped me keep my cool.

What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

I planned on doing 50 ques per 30 minutes. So if I couldn’t finish 50, I’d leave that there. And start with the next 50. I finished the left ques in the last 30 minutes.

Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Yes I underwent major phases during my prep too. I talked to my parents, friends and teachers. They told me its normal and I should keep going. I took small recreational breaks to rejuvenate myself every now and then. Watching your fav shows or shopping or anything that helps you feel better is very important. Studying all day every day becomes montonous and boring and that’s when depression starts. So don’t refrain from indulging in 2-3 hours of refreshing activity everytime you feel depressed. It just increases your efficiency manyfold.

Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for NOV 2015?

I started immediately after may exams. I had to revise my subjects atleast 4 times in these 5-6 months. So I just focussed on that. In the first revision notes, guide books, and aiims PGI previous years. After that just notes. And towards the exams. Previous years again.

HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

I attempted a safe number of 500. Number of choices depends on the paper. But 450-550 is generally a safe attempt. Be careful while marking. Marking errors in pgi cost alot. Don’t make blind guesses. Take risks only in topics where you’re comfortable. And refrain from attempting questions you haven’t even heard.

What are the do’s and don’ts in exam

Do not panic. If you don’t know a few questions or for eg in PGI you mark a question wrong. Keep going. Everyone makes mistakes. And keep your time limit and stick to it.

YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

OBG- Puneet bhojani

Radio- sumer sethi sir’s book

Skin- neena khanna for photos

Spm- vivek Jain

Pharma- Gobind rai Garg

Med, surgery- Amit ashish

Eye- Ruchi rai ma’am s book

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