ADrPlexus was extremely helpful in my preparation for PGI. The mock tests were extremely well prepared and were extremely representative of the actual exam. The topics were carefully picked up it seemed, after detailed evaluation of previous year trends in PGI examinations.


PGI May'15 Rank - 31 JIMPER May'15 Rank - 159

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

I tried to complete all subjects from their respective books first followed by previous year question papers and revision of important topics. I divided this over a period of 4 months. I also used to give as many mock tests as i could and tried to simulate exam room conditions during these.


How many hours did u study ?

I studied at an average 6-8 hours in a day.

Your tips for success ?

Planned study routine, be honest to yourselves, never underestimate your potential and prayer… Prayers and blessings of your elders are very powerful tools, never neglect them!

During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Doubts creep into your minds, fear of failure is always there. I always tried to turn this fear into a productive power. It motivated me to do better.

How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

5-6 months of dedicated distraction free preparation should get you an extremely good rank.

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

January 2015

Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

There always some topics which slip out of your memory. One cannot remember everything. For those i sometimes used mnemonics and revision on the morning of the exam.

What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

I used to get up between 7-8 and start studying by 9:30-10. I used to take breaks every 2-3 hours. There were obviously occasional breaks in the schedules but i tried to stick to it as much as i could. Mostly i had a backlog of topics though and one should not worry about it, having a backlog means u’re working and have finished the other topics at least.

What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Follow your passion, not the trend. Work hard and Pray.

Which books did you read for the theory part?

Mostly standard textbooks like Harrison, Bailey and Love, OP Ghai etc. For short subjects i read only the books by Arvind Arora. Pharma and Path from Gobind Rai Garg(excellent books), Forensics from Sumit Seth, OBG from Punit Bhojani, Biochem from Rebecca James and Anatomy/Physiology from Arvind Arora.

What was your strategy for the exam day?

Sleep well, have a healthy breakfast and reach your centre well before time to avoid stress. I have seen some candidates exams getting cancelled because they were stuck in a traffic jam, take that into consideration.

What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

I always start from the first question and take them as they come. Changing their order, specially in the PGI exam may lead to confusion and marking the options in the wrong place.

Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Not exactly depression but i have felt quite low when my mock test scores have not been upto the mark. Music was my escape from all of the stress.

Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for MAY 2015?

Read the topics that are often asked by PGI well and revise them in the week leading to the exam.

HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

I marked approximately 570 options and hoped to get less than 100 incorrect. I took the questions on their merit and did not have a predetermined number in my mind. I did not mark the options i had no idea about.

What are the do’s and don’ts in exam

Do not panic if u don’t know a few questions. There are 250 questions and 1250 options, no one is expected to know them all. Do not starve yourself before the exam, have a healthy breakfast. Read each option carefully and completely. Be careful while marking the options.

YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

Anatomy, Physiology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics- Arvind Arora, Biochemistry- Rebecca James, Forensics- Sumit Seth, Pharmacology and Pathology- Gobind Rai Garg, Microbiology- Rachna Chaurasia(If you can remember the subject at all, I never could) Radiology- Sumer Sethi, ENT- Shibu George, Orthopedics- Apurv Mehra (Do attend his class if u have the chance, it might be the most motivating session of your life) PSM- Vivek Jain, Medicine – Mudit Khanna, Surgery- Pritesh Singh, OBG- Punit Bhojani

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